QuitDay.Org - Vaping Scholarship for Ex-Smokers April 12 2016

Quit Day Vaping Scholorship

Have you quit smoking with vaping? If yes, you can win massive prizes in our yearly scholarship contest. QuitDay.org now offers $3,000 in scholarships to vapers who share their vision for a smoke-free world.

Vaping Scholarship Background

From lung cancer to heart diseases to asthma to stroke to infertility, name any disease and you’ll find smoking as one of the major causes behind it. If that doesn’t alarm you, consider this: smoking has killed many times more people than all the fatalities in American wars combined. We at QuitDay.org realize that smokers are at a never-ending war against their addiction. So, we want to challenge vapers to share their story of how they successfully replaced smoking with vaping, and how it improved their overall health.

Vaping Scholarship Details and Awards

Three lucky winners are selected every year, who receive $2,000, $700 and $300, respectively for first second and third place. The scholarship award can be used to pay for college tuition, education-related expenses or other self-development needs. The best thing is, it’s easy, without any annoying prerequisites, and absolutely free to apply for everyone.

Vaping Scholarship Deadlines

QuitDay.org is currently: accepting vaping scholarship applications.

The application deadline is November 30, 2016, at 5:00 pm Eastern Time.  

Eligibility and Details

You must be:

  • At least 18 years old
  • An ex-smoker-turned-vaper
  • Located in the United States or District of Columbia

You can send only one (1) submission in the form of a typed essay that should be between 1000 and 1500 words, and should answer the following questions:

  • Why do you see smoking as a problem for individuals and society?
  • Why do you think vaping is a safer alternative?
  • How did your life change after switching from smoking to vaping?
  • What’s your take on the current debate and legislation process in the U.S. to ban e-cigs and other vaping gear?
  • What message do you have for current smokers?

The essay must include the word count and be signed with a full name (both first and last name), along with the applicant’s email address, phone number, and permanent address.


The winning applicants will be determined based on the essay content, style and originality. Our judges usually look for logically organized and well-supported essays.


How to Apply

Winner Notification

  • The top three finalists, as selected by the judges, will be notified via email.
  • Winners will be announced to the public at QuitDay.org/vaping-scholarship

Making the world smoke-free is a massive feat, and we’re committed to it. But we can’t do it alone. Join us by sharing your experience and play your part. Best of luck!

What Else Can Be Done to Support Vaping
  • Visit The Consumer Advocates for Smoke-free Alternatives Association (cassa.org) and learn more about steps you can take to save vaping.