5 Things You Can Do Right Now To Save Vaping March 09 2016
This is a great article with simple executions from CASAA (Consumers Advocates for Smoke Free Alternatives Association):
(1) Send a Message! Support HR 2058 which could save the vapor industry from total destruction.
(2) Tell your Attorney General that you stand with Iowa AG Tom Miller and his statement regarding a reasoned, scientific debate about the merits of vapor products
(3) Join CASAA! It’s easy, it’s free, and we will keep you up to date on information and opportunities to take action to protect your access to vapor products.
(4) Register To Vote! Millions of vapers, including YOU, have the power to influence government decisions by electing candidates who support vaping!
(5) Tell your story! Please visit CASAA’s Testimonials Project and tell us about your experience with low-risk, smoke-free products like e-cigarettes and snus.